Wells + Associates 650 Massachusetts Avenue, NWSuite 600 Washington, DC 20001 | DC Traffic Engineers + Transportation Planners - Transportation Statements, CTR, TDM, Parking

Washington, D.C. Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning

For over 30 years, Wells + Associates has served clients as a Washington, DC area traffic engineering and transportation planning firm. For developers, property owners, and institutions in the District of Columbia, managing transportation, mobility, and traffic engineering issues are complex matters. From our Washington, DC office, our DC traffic engineers, transportation planners, and TDM/mobility experts help clients assess and address these challenges with holistic transportation solutions, taking into account land use, urban design, mobility, and traffic impacts.

Wells + Associates Washington DC Office

Traffic Engineering | Transportation Planning| Parking | Mobility Management + TDM

650 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-978-5222
DC Office Contact: Jami Milanovich

DC Traffic Engineers, Transportation Planners and TDM Experts

Our traffic engineering and consulting team in the District of Columbia is led by DC traffic engineer Jami Milanovich, P.E. and DC transportation planner Jim Watson, AICP,.

Wells + Associates works with developers, schools, universities, healthcare providers, property management companies, property owners, and business owners. We provide a range of services in the District of Columbia, including:

  • Site Access and Circulation Studies – We are up to date on DDOT’s latest guidelines and criteria for curb cuts and can help solve your most challenging access issues.
  • Curbside Management Plans – We prepare plans that ensure valuable curbside space is thoughtfully allocated to accommodate various users and best serve the needs of your project.
  • Parking Studies – Complete parking analyses include an understanding of the relationship between design and operation. Since parking can be costly and consume usable land area, W+A’s engineers and planners look for ways to optimize parking opportunities while balancing the trade-offs with the other goals of a project.
  • Parking Management Plans – We work with developers, universities, hospitals, and other institutions to develop parking management plans that help make the most efficient use of their limited parking resources by focusing on layout, demand, allocation, access control, and transportation demand management.
  • Transportation Planning for Urban Spaces to create more vibrant, livable, and connected spaces through optimized street design and improved multimodal circulation.
  • Loading Management Plans – Loading facilities are a key component of most developments. We provide design assistance to ensure appropriate vehicles can access and maneuver within the loading facility, and we prepare Loading Management Plans to promote safe and efficient access while minimizing impacts to surrounding roadways.
  • Comprehensive Transportation Reviews (CTR) – Whether you need a traffic study for the BZA or Zoning Commission, Wells + Associates traffic engineers and transportation planner are well-versed in DDOT’s CTR guidelines and have performed countless CTRs for developments throughout the District of Columbia.
  • Transportation Demand Management (TDM) – We develop TDM plans that create strategies to get cars off the road, encourage work-life balance, and reduce stress. Our TDM specialists provide a full range of services, from planning to implementation to measurement.
  • Transportation Aspects of Campus Plans – We develop creative, thoughtful transportation strategies that help colleges and universities achieve their growth and development goals while maintaining a safe and efficient campus for all modes of transportation. We then work with colleges and universities through the Campus Plan entitlement process to garner support from community groups and DDOT.
  • Transportation Statements – Not all projects require extensive traffic impact studies. We tailor the scope of the traffic study to the size and potential impact of each development within the confines of DDOT’s guidelines.
  • Transportation Management Plans (TMP) – TMPs establish a set of strategies and procedures aimed at managing traffic for a particular development. TMPs may include TDM plans to reduce vehicular traffic, Operations Plans to establish protocols to ensure traffic is properly managed, Loading Management Plans, and Monitoring Plans.
  • Traffic Signal Design – W+A provides full-service traffic signal design capabilities, from conducting signal warrant studies, to preparing traffic signal designs, to developing complex traffic signal timing plans for corridors and networks.
  • Ancillary Design Components – Design projects often require a multi-faceted approach. W+A’s design capabilities allow us to be responsive to other design needs that arise, including Signing and Pavement Marking Plans, Accessibility (ADA), Street Light Plans, and Traffic Calming.
  • Traffic Control Plans – W+A prepares TCPs for a wide variety of projects. We develop TCPs based on a thorough understanding of the construction staging plan and our extensive knowledge of DDOT’s requirements.

Our Team Members Discuss Two Memorable Projects in the District of Columbia

Managing Transportation in D.C.: Multimodal Creativity + Innovation

Businesses, institutions, and property owners and managers understand that managing transportation and mobility in Washington, D.C. requires not only a detailed and comprehensive understanding of transportation regulations and requirements, but the ability to develop cutting-edge solutions in a city that is always changing.

From universities and schools to transit-oriented projects, planned unit developments, and commercial properties, we take pride in creating custom transportation solutions for our clients.

The transportation industry is rapidly evolving with app-based travel, smart parking, and autonomous navigation. This evolution, coupled with significant increases in deliveries associated with e-commerce and food delivery, brings many challenges that must be addressed. For example:

  • While app-based travel can lower parking demand for a project, separate accommodations, typically curbside, must be made to ensure safe and convenient access and to minimize impacts to the adjacent roadway. This curbside space becomes ever more valuable as ride-hailing services (new and traditional), buses, parking, and freight/delivery vehicles all compete for limited space.
  • Increases in active modes of transportation present challenges in creating safe and efficient streets for all users.
  • Despite the abundance of options that have resulted from the concept of mobility-as-a-service (MaaS), congestion remains high. As such, Transportation Demand Management Plans must be integrated with mobility planning.

Contact our DC Transportation Consulting Team

portrait of jami milanovich dc traffic engineer wells + associates comprehensive transportation review transportation consultant

Jami L. Milanovich, P.E.

Principal | (202) 556-1113


A registered Professional Engineer, Jami has over two decades of experience creating innovative transportation solutions in the District of Columbia. Her work includes traffic impact studies, parking analyses, intersection improvement design, loading management plans, site access studies, and expert witness testimony.

Jami’s Full Bio