How to Update Your Fairfax County Parking Tabulation Form | Wells + Associates

Need to Update Your Parking Tabulation Form for Fairfax County?

Has something changed at your business and Fairfax County is telling you that you need to determine new levels of parking requirements at your place of business? The County probably told you that you need to fill out their Parking Tabulation Form.

Sounds easy enough, until you look at the form. Yes, it’s a bit more complicated than it might sound.

In truth, Fairfax County will typically tell a business owner or facility that they should find a professional to complete the form on their behalf. That makes sense, so you can concentrate on your business rather than the technicalities of parking space requirements.

Understanding Fairfax County’s Parking Tabulations Requirements

When properly filled out, a parking tabulation will show the number of parking spaces that are required in relation to all the land uses on a particular site, such as for restaurants or off-street parking. This number is based on the County’s zoning ordinance minimum parking rates.

So when do you need to submit a parking tabulation form? You must submit it when a change or an expansion in land use requires a greater need for parking. The form tabulates the new total parking requirements for a site.

Fairfax County’s zoning ordinance is periodically revised by the County’s Board of Supervisors. The goal of the ordinance is to “promote the health, safety and general welfare of the public.”

What Factors Can Change Your Parking Tabulation?

What can you expect when re-tabulating your parking requirements? A number of issues could be at play, such as:

  • Did a use change at your site?
  • Has your business expanded?
  • Has any of your parking been grandfathered?
  • Do you make use of company vehicles?
  • Do you expect the number of customers, employees, or students at your site to grow?
  • Do your accessible parking spaces meet County requirments?

Although parking tabulations are typically handled by professional traffic engineers and consultants, it is important to note that upon submitting the form to the County, the applicant certifies a number of things, including that:

  • the number of parking spaces on the site are actually available to users
  • the existing spaces are in usable form and adhere to the required dimensions
  • every use for parking spaces on the site has been included on the form
  • the number of spaces conforms to all associated rezonings, permits, and variances

Upon completion, the parking tabulation form needs to be submitted to Fairfax County’s Land Development Services office. Once the form is submitted and approved, the use permit will then be issued.

If you have questions about this or other transportation and parking matters in Fairfax County, feel free to contact us. Our Parking Studies and Design team has extensive experience working with both Fairfax County and Applicant(s) to complete the County’s Parking Tabulation Form with the required site and parking information.

Mike Workosky president wells + associates traffic engineer

Michael J. Workosky

President | (703) 676-3603

Mike Workosky is a transportation executive with more than 25 years of experience across the United States in parking matters related to mixed use developments, town centers, shopping centers, and commercial, governmental, and academic properties.

Mike’s Full Bio