School's Almost Out: Schedule Traffic Counts Now for Your Development Projects - Wells + Associates

School’s Almost Out: Schedule Traffic Counts Now for Your Development Projects

“Schools … Out For Summer” goes the tune. And it’s true. While’s that’s great for many, remember that traffic data collection for development projects is only permitted while schools are in session.

With this in mind, it may be time to schedule your traffic counts now before the last day of classes. Our traffic engineering team is scheduling counts now so projects can keep on schedule.

Obtaining traffic counts during normal school sessions is a vital component of getting project approvals. Data from these counts are used to prepare studies that are integral to getting projects approved. In practice, these volumes are used to predict future conditions and improvements. Note also that some traffic counts that have been completed may need to be updated if the project or development is located in a high-growth area.

5 Reasons to Get Accurate Traffic Data Collection

Accurate and updated traffic count data can:

  1. Provide an accurate assessment of current conditions
  2. Contribute to improvements in safety, circulation, and access
  3. Identify ways to reduce congestion
  4. Point to proposed changes to traffic design and controls, pavement markings, signs, and signals
  5. Improve traffic flow

Need more information to be sure your project stays on track? Reach out to us for a quick conversation.

School Traffic Count Engineering Team

Will Johnson Wells + Associates

William F. Johnson

Vice President | (703) 676-3653

Will Johnson manages a wide range of traffic engineering projects, including traffic impact studies, bicycle and pedestrian evaluation, master plan studies, and roundabout analysis and design. He is a former Adjunct Instructor for Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering at George Mason University.

Will’s Full Bio

Mike Workosky president wells + associates traffic engineer

Michael J. Workosky

President | (703) 676-3603

Mike Workosky is a transportation executive with more than 25 years of experience across the United States in parking matters related to mixed use developments, town centers, shopping centers, and commercial, governmental, and academic properties.

Mike’s Full Bio