ACT Webinar Recording: Establishing a TDM Policy in Your Community - Wells + Associates

ACT Webinar Recording: Establishing a TDM Policy in Your Community

Earlier this summer, our colleague Justin Schor joined a panel discussion hosted by ACT (Association for Commuter Transportation) on how to develop a TDM policy in communities.

Focused on the developer perspective, the panel discussed a number of questions, including:

  • Would a development-based TDM requirement scare off developers from coming to your community?
  • Can a TDM policy accommodate future growth and development while offsetting the transportation impacts of most concern to communities?
  • Since every community is different, how do you develop transportation solutions tailored to each unique development?

The panel discussed what developers from Seattle, WA, and Fairfax, VA (Washington, DC suburbs) thought works well with the TDM policies in their communities.

They also focused on nine key steps designed to help communities establish TDM policies that are customized to their circumstances and designed for optimal outcomes, using an inventory of TDM Policies and Best practices from 10 communities across the United States. These steps and best practices are discussed more fully in the ULI handbook, Building a Multimodal Future: Connecting Real Estate Development and Transportation Demand Management to Ease Gridlock, co-authored by Justin.

Click below to listen to the webinar.

ACT Webinar Recording: Establishing a TDM Policy in Your Community

July 19, 2019 – Association for Commuter Transportation


Justin Schor – Wells and Associates
Thomas Fleury – Bowman Consulting
Steven Fry – Seattle 2030 District