Agan Husadzinovic - Wells + Associates

Agan Husadzinovic

agan husadzinovic wells + associates

Agan has provided traffic counts and field data collection expertise for Wells + Associates since 2001. He has supervised the data collection process to ensure complete and accurate data. These activities are critical, as they are the foundation for transportation studies.

His expertise spans a range of field data collection, including intersection traffic counts, mechanical counts, parking utilization counts, speed studies, travel time studies, intersection delay studies, and license plate surveys. Agan has developed traffic counts all over the United States.


What do you like best about working at W+A?
The people. I have built good friendships. I came from another country, feeling like an outsider at times, but at W+A I have always felt accepted.
Personal life philosophy?
Work like you’re going to live 100 years, but enjoy your life like you’re going to die tomorrow.
Favorite vacation spot?
French Riviera and Adriatic Sea
Ideal weekend?
Hiking, enjoying friends with good wine and food, Sunday lunch with the family, and maybe some sports thrown in.
Starbucks order?
Double espresso macchiato
Favorite subject in school?


  • Four year degree in mechanics, Hasan Buric Tehnicki Skolski Centar, Brcko, Bosnia and Hercegovina

Contact Info

Office: (703) 676-3607
